Joint Liquidity Mining Campaign with AllianceBlock

Frontier and AllianceBlock recently announced a Joint Liquidity Mining Campaign to encourage community to participate in liquidity provision on Balancer and grow the DeFi ecosystem together as one.

The liquidity mining program has 300,000 $FRONT + 900,000 $ALBT rewards for the liquidity providers participating in the event over the course of 3 months! At the time of writing the APY was at whopping 164%

The FRONT - ALBT - WETH Pool is now listed on CoinGecko!

We thank the amazing AllianceBlock Team for making such a wonderful platform for creating truly partner-focused initiatives around LP liquidity mining.

How to participate in the event?

#1 Visit

AllianceBlock has build interface for users to seamlessly provide liquidity into the FRONT - ALBT - WETH Balancer pool. Visit -> Connect your Metamask wallet -> Select Balancer from the top right section and the pools will appear.

#2 Providing liquidity to FRONT - ALBT - WETH pool

After click on the above box the following pop-up will appear

Here you can choose the amount of liquidity you want to add, when you provide for example any amount in WETH, the amount of ALBT and FRONT would be automatically calculated according to the correct ratio (and vice versa).

Note: in Uniswap pools it's possible to provide liquidity in regular ETH or USDT. The Balancer pools need WETH (Wrapped ETH) and USDC. ETH can be easily swapped on Balancer and Uniswap for WETH. USDT can be easily swapped for USDC on Uniswap.

Through the “MAX” buttons, you can add your complete holdings of one token to the liquidity pool. The number of other tokens needed through the correct ratio will be automatically calculated again:

After confirming the number of tokens you wish to use to provide liquidity, now approve all the assets WETH, FRONT, and ALBT. After the Allowance is confirmed click on "Add Liquidity" and pop-up will appear as follows:

Check all the details again and Click on "Confirm" -> Sign the transaction -> Now the transaction is broadcasted to the blockchain.

Note: while the transaction is pending, you will see a loading indicator on top of the screen:

Once the transaction is confirmed on the blockchain, you will see a new kind of overview of the pool. In this overview you will see something new: “Liquidity pool tokens”:

In return for providing liquidity you receive Liquidity pool tokens (BPT) in your wallet. You can stake these tokens in order to get rewards (for example in ALBT).

Staking BPT tokens

BPT tokens represent your % stake in a particular liquidity pool. Staking this BPT tokens will enable users to earn $FRONT and $ALBT rewards.

After successfully liquidity provision -> Click on "Stake" -> following pop-up appears:

Enter the amount of BPT tokens or choose "MAX" if you wish to stake your entire BPT token holdings -> Click "Approve" -> after the allowance is confirmed -> Click "Stake"

After successful staking of BPT tokens, you can see complete overview of your position.

You can now see how many tokens are going to be rewarded in total, the APY and the rewards you are able to claim so far.

Note: some of these values in these examples do not represent real world values, as these screenshots were taken from an early environment.

Additionally you have a couple of options:

  • Claim your rewards through the “Claim” button
  • Withdraw your stake using the “Withdraw” button (your reward will automatically be claimed)
  • Add more liquidity by clicking on the plus sign

PS: Frontier now has liquidity and liquidity opportunities at the following locations:

🔗 Uniswap
🔗 Mooniswap
🔗 Balancer (earn $BAL rewards)
🔗 LuaSwap 🔥(earn $LUA rewards)
🔗 SerumSwap (earn $SRM rewards)
🔗 SushiSwap
🔗 The new AllianceBlock shared liquidity mining campaign 🔥🔥 (earn $FRONT and $ALBT rewards)

About Frontier

Frontier is a Chain Agnostic DeFi Aggregation layer. Using Frontier, Users can Track and Manage DeFi positions, Stake Assets, Swap or Exchange Assets and explore more DeFi Applications in one single place.

Frontier is also building Frontier chain, which is a Decentralised Key Management blockchain based on Cosmos SDK. FRONT is the Utility token that is used for:

  • Staking on Frontier Chain
  • Gasless transactions in Application Suite ( iOS and Android)
  • Liquidity Provisions (DEXs and AMMs)
  • Incentive protocol (Incentivizing using of DeFi via Frontier)
  • NFT Acquisition
  • Referrals

The Frontier Ecosystem includes:

  • Frontier DeFi Application - DeFi Aggregator on Mobile
  • Frontier Chain - A Cosmos Based Decentralised Key Management Blockchain
  • UniFront - Unified API for all DeFi Protocols and Services.

Website | Telegram Community | Twitter | iOS | Android | Telegram Announcement Channel

About AllianceBlock

AllianceBlock is building the first globally compliant decentralized capital market. The AllianceBlock Protocol is a decentralized, blockchain-agnostic layer 2 that automates the process of converting any digital or crypto asset into a bankable product.

Incubated by three of Europe’s most prestigious incubators: Station F, L39, and Kickstart Innovation in Zurich, and led by a heavily experienced team of ex-JP Morgan, Barclays, BNP Paribas, Goldman Sachs investment bankers, and quants, AllianceBlock is on the path to disrupt the $100 trillion securities market with its state-of-the-art and globally compliant decentralized capital market.

Website | Telegram | Discord | CoinGecko | White Paper | Green Paper | Token Economics Paper